Compare and contrast blogs and wikis.
Although Blogs and wikis are part of the Web 2.0 technology and are both great ways to communicate thoughts and ideas. They differ in a few things, in a blog people can be more opinionated than wikis, and wikis are more a collaboration of facts from more than one person. They tend to be more a discussion than a blog; a blog is more one person’s opinion with comments. A person can discuss their thoughts on many different topics (nobody can edit anything on this page). A wiki, however, is a website that allows its users to edit the content of the page. In other words, users collaborate with each other to make the page more reliable.
Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world
Coverage is becoming more apparent as time is passing by. For example, television is an important tool in today’s world, and TV is getting more involved with technology. TV is become easier and interactive for all of us than it ever was before. I think this is more positive than negative because everything is becoming more compact and effective (digital ) than it was years ago, thus, we can now connect several devices together, and that will save money and space in people’s home. In other words, everything involved with the new technology is getting convenient in our life, and the more we know the more we can take advantage of it. However, if companies don’t know of the importance of a network and a digital world they have to catch up quickly if they want to satisfy their speciations.
How can blogs be used for collaboration?
I must say blogs already are collaboration. They are used in different areas because of their interactive way. I can say that there is an increase of use of blogs in education. Blogs are well suited to serve as on-line personal journal for students. Students and teacher can upload links and files easily, and have a better communication between one another. They can create forums for discussion of different topics; therefore, blogs can improve student’s communication skills.
Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
I am not sure what else a wiki can be used for because I think we can do anything we want, since we have free access of our pages or wikis, and free way to express something. Although it can be changed or improve by others, we still have the freedom of our comments. We can use it as a good method of teaching step by step to a person on any subject with “How to Guides”. We can direct and instruct other people with things that we are knowledgeable on.
Although Blogs and wikis are part of the Web 2.0 technology and are both great ways to communicate thoughts and ideas. They differ in a few things, in a blog people can be more opinionated than wikis, and wikis are more a collaboration of facts from more than one person. They tend to be more a discussion than a blog; a blog is more one person’s opinion with comments. A person can discuss their thoughts on many different topics (nobody can edit anything on this page). A wiki, however, is a website that allows its users to edit the content of the page. In other words, users collaborate with each other to make the page more reliable.
Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world
Coverage is becoming more apparent as time is passing by. For example, television is an important tool in today’s world, and TV is getting more involved with technology. TV is become easier and interactive for all of us than it ever was before. I think this is more positive than negative because everything is becoming more compact and effective (digital ) than it was years ago, thus, we can now connect several devices together, and that will save money and space in people’s home. In other words, everything involved with the new technology is getting convenient in our life, and the more we know the more we can take advantage of it. However, if companies don’t know of the importance of a network and a digital world they have to catch up quickly if they want to satisfy their speciations.
How can blogs be used for collaboration?
I must say blogs already are collaboration. They are used in different areas because of their interactive way. I can say that there is an increase of use of blogs in education. Blogs are well suited to serve as on-line personal journal for students. Students and teacher can upload links and files easily, and have a better communication between one another. They can create forums for discussion of different topics; therefore, blogs can improve student’s communication skills.
Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
I am not sure what else a wiki can be used for because I think we can do anything we want, since we have free access of our pages or wikis, and free way to express something. Although it can be changed or improve by others, we still have the freedom of our comments. We can use it as a good method of teaching step by step to a person on any subject with “How to Guides”. We can direct and instruct other people with things that we are knowledgeable on.
Richtel Matt. “What Convergence? TV’s Hesitant March to the Net.” New York Times, 15 February 2009 <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/16/technology/internet/16chip.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=what%20convergence&st=cse>
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