Monday, June 29, 2009
My project is about how blogs and wikis affect businesses economically. As I was researching I found materials that made me conclude that companies are getting very popular using wikis and blogs within different industries to generate revenues. Companies are using these two technologies to create a more social environment in which everybody’s opinion is counted (employees, costumers, management, executives) towards the success of the company. I thought the innovative ways they use for using wikis and blogs were original because it looked like they were really trying to connect to their employees, and consumer base through all means. Companies are using blogs and wikis to share and publish information, thus, companies are saving money and time, the money they would have used to spend in expensive software’s and their required training for employees. They are also using these two technologies to create revenues that companies were unable to generate before. Through a blog companies advertise their products, so it is more likely that employees and customers make products review, and also sell or buy these products. Companies in addition are using blogs and wikis to make money using Google Adsense. AdSense allows web site owners to display Google advertisements on one or more pages of their site. Advertisers pay Google for any clicks that are generated by these advertisements. Google in turn shares a percentage of this revenue with the website owner. Advertising as a revenue model has an immense appeal for many Web 2.0 technologies.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Our class wiki has been an interesting assignment. Even though I haven’t done much besides my bio I do like the concept of maintaining a wiki between my classmates. I did not know what a wiki before this class was, and now I know what it is for, and I would love to contribute with some information regarding the New Media, especially everything related to second life or virtual worlds as many people called it. I want to do it on this topic because I like the concept of second life and I think it should be used more often in different industries. I want to include Information such as what a virtual worlds is used for, and in what industries are using it. For example, medical industries (psychology), government, education and others
I am going to add any interesting information I come across about past and present uses of these New Media virtual worlds.
I am going to add any interesting information I come across about past and present uses of these New Media virtual worlds.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Since social networking is one of the most important items for the new media, I think people should have virtual rooms in social networks such as facebook, my space, tagged and others. If people have that, they are going to have a more dynamic communication with families, friends, and coworkers in real time. I think having second life involved in these technologies of social networks will be more educative and more fun because it would be more interactive. Therefore, users can share information of their own interest to one another and much more. These new features would not help individuals but a community as a whole. I think communication through these virtual worlds will simplify information in different topics and different departments within industries, since they are using social networks to enhance the environment between its employees. This virtual world would also offer information to users that for some reason they are unable to have unless they connect face to face with other people.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Since we are in a new era of technology I think Baruch should consider using some of the items of new media to enhance education, and one of them could be to promote more online classes using virtual worlds. Students are very limited with the option of taking classes and if it is not on campus students don’t have more alternatives than to wait until they can. Online classes through virtual worlds can meet, Attend to class and create contend together. For example, there are many people with disabilities that have lost of skills but are unable to succeed because they don’t feel comfortable socializing with other people, but not only people with disabilities, a normal average person that for some other reasons cannot make it to the campus and want to continue their education are limited by the conditions of the school. Therefore, they have to stop for one or two semesters and somehow they tend to be left behind, because of the limit of options they have in this school. Thus, since they cannot make it to the campus they are unable to take classes. Besides virtual worlds have a lot of advantages and one of them is to be able to have a social life. I think Baruch is getting left behind because I know some schools and universities offer this alternative to students. I think a student will also take advantage of using virtual worlds in the school; they will have more options to research and take the word of others in topics of their common interest.
How do we distinguish “new media” from “old” media? List and explain several ways to do this
Old media is traditional media, like books, TV, radio, newspapers, journalism, film, photography. New media are things that are new, in a technological sense. Basically the old media used to come in and still come in hard copies, and whether we like it or not, we still have paper books, news paper, radio and some others. Thus, old media haven’t changed completely and a lot of people tend to prefer the old media over the new media. The new media is audio, video, blogs, podcast, and text publication methods and tools that were previously inaccessible for publication purposes to the average person in the past. We also have in the new media, social networks that are a very important part of the new media. For instance, facebook, my space, twitter, tagged among others. Social media is interactive media, since the tools that enable social media didn’t exist before. You can blog, podcast, crank out videos on YouTube, host Blog Talk Radio shows, etc. all by yourself and no one else has to be involved for you to be creating useful media.
Old media is traditional media, like books, TV, radio, newspapers, journalism, film, photography. New media are things that are new, in a technological sense. Basically the old media used to come in and still come in hard copies, and whether we like it or not, we still have paper books, news paper, radio and some others. Thus, old media haven’t changed completely and a lot of people tend to prefer the old media over the new media. The new media is audio, video, blogs, podcast, and text publication methods and tools that were previously inaccessible for publication purposes to the average person in the past. We also have in the new media, social networks that are a very important part of the new media. For instance, facebook, my space, twitter, tagged among others. Social media is interactive media, since the tools that enable social media didn’t exist before. You can blog, podcast, crank out videos on YouTube, host Blog Talk Radio shows, etc. all by yourself and no one else has to be involved for you to be creating useful media.
Thursday, June 18, 2009

What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these technologies can be used?
A virtual world is an interactive stimulate environment accessed by multiple user through an online interface. Virtual words also called “digital worlds,” “simulate worlds “and “second life”. There are many different types of virtual worlds, however there six features all of them have in common; shared space, graphical user interface, immediacy, interactivity, persistency, socialization. The ways that virtual worlds can be used are: in gaming, socialization (emphasize socializing rather than gaming), Education (Educational worlds come in a wide variety of forms, including 3D recreations of museum and gallery spaces, tutorials, virtual libraries, and meeting spaces for online courses), political expressions (Virtual worlds can serve as forums for political expression and debate), military training (is used to develop training simulations)
What are the benefits of these technologies to society?
This technology has lots of benefits as I mentioned above. These virtual worlds are not only for gaming purposes, they can be use in areas that benefit a lot people, such as students, employees, employers, government and some others. They can help society in the educational area, because they are more interactive than regular classes, they also give the opportunity to students to have online classes which facilitates students that are unable to go to the campus, colleges also have virtual libraries that are very helpful to the students and much more. Corporations also use these virtual worlds to hold meetings, conduct meetings, and stimulate business situations in a safe learning environment. These technologies also help to reduce cost to the company, they can save money that they use in expensive trips by creating meetings in which employees can communicate, collaborate and present using voice and text in real time.
Is there a "dark side"?
A dark side of this technology will be that its users can get addicted to it. Whether, it is used for gaming, working or socialization, these users might use this technology as the only way to socialize or to interact with others. If this technology is used in the medical areas such as psychology psychiatrist can try to use it as therapies. However, it does not assure that their patients would try what they have practiced through the virtual world in their real life after they are done with their treatments.
My opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future
I think virtual worlds are an amazing technology for social networking, and they are going to evolve when they are applied to all the areas in new media. Even though, the second life is part of the new media, areas such as facebook, my space, and twitter will be enhance if their users can instead of just chatting be able to create and personalize themselves through avatars in real time. I also think that they are going to be used in more detail in the medical industries, business industries, government and some others.
Nicole Saidi, CNN, “'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction” iReport. March 28, 2008 <>
A virtual world is an interactive stimulate environment accessed by multiple user through an online interface. Virtual words also called “digital worlds,” “simulate worlds “and “second life”. There are many different types of virtual worlds, however there six features all of them have in common; shared space, graphical user interface, immediacy, interactivity, persistency, socialization. The ways that virtual worlds can be used are: in gaming, socialization (emphasize socializing rather than gaming), Education (Educational worlds come in a wide variety of forms, including 3D recreations of museum and gallery spaces, tutorials, virtual libraries, and meeting spaces for online courses), political expressions (Virtual worlds can serve as forums for political expression and debate), military training (is used to develop training simulations)
What are the benefits of these technologies to society?
This technology has lots of benefits as I mentioned above. These virtual worlds are not only for gaming purposes, they can be use in areas that benefit a lot people, such as students, employees, employers, government and some others. They can help society in the educational area, because they are more interactive than regular classes, they also give the opportunity to students to have online classes which facilitates students that are unable to go to the campus, colleges also have virtual libraries that are very helpful to the students and much more. Corporations also use these virtual worlds to hold meetings, conduct meetings, and stimulate business situations in a safe learning environment. These technologies also help to reduce cost to the company, they can save money that they use in expensive trips by creating meetings in which employees can communicate, collaborate and present using voice and text in real time.
Is there a "dark side"?
A dark side of this technology will be that its users can get addicted to it. Whether, it is used for gaming, working or socialization, these users might use this technology as the only way to socialize or to interact with others. If this technology is used in the medical areas such as psychology psychiatrist can try to use it as therapies. However, it does not assure that their patients would try what they have practiced through the virtual world in their real life after they are done with their treatments.
My opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future
I think virtual worlds are an amazing technology for social networking, and they are going to evolve when they are applied to all the areas in new media. Even though, the second life is part of the new media, areas such as facebook, my space, and twitter will be enhance if their users can instead of just chatting be able to create and personalize themselves through avatars in real time. I also think that they are going to be used in more detail in the medical industries, business industries, government and some others.
Nicole Saidi, CNN, “'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction” iReport. March 28, 2008 <>
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these technologies can be used?
Having social networking in a corporation increases a trust environment between employees and management. Employees can stay connected to the company and each other. A social networking also Encourage collaboration thanks to continuous communication within the employees. Employees can work in an environment where their opinion is counted and that becomes as an incentive for them as well. In general, through social networking people can keep in touch with coworkers, friends, old friends and family. Besides establishing important social relations, social networking members can share their interest with others by joining groups and forums. Some networking can help members to finds jobs and or establish business contacts. Most social networking offer additional features, such as, member can create profiles pages where they can describe their personality. The most popular features are music, videos. Members can also get educate by looking profiles of famous people such writers, artist, singers among others. They can also bring out different opinions and debate with other members.
What are the benefits of these technologies to society?
The benefits of social networking are that people keep in touch, can speak up, and have communication through these technologies, especially when most people are busy going to school, work and taking care of their families. Thus, if it was not for these technologies having a social environment would be even more difficult. People can also share thoughts and views of different subjects and feel more close to family, friends and even coworkers.
Is there a "dark side"?
Yes, there is a dark side, even though; I see more positives than negatives. I think that a lot of people rely on these social networking to communicate negative things to other people, especially between teenagers. They can express some of their feeling without thinking that those comments can be hurtful to others. Other negative sides to these technologies is that people tend to lose interpersonal communication because of the amount of time communicating through a computer they lose face to face social contact skills. Before I finish, there is another dark sides of these social networking that I haven’t mentioned but it is very important, and that is, that some people use false identities, therefore, they take advantage of this to commit crimes specially towards innocents people in most cases teenagers, which also are using false identities to participate in these new technologies because of their ages.
My opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future
I cannot say much about how these technologies are going to evolve in the future because technology changes all the time. I think that all these technologies have a priority to keep people communicating. Thus, these companies such as facebook, my space, twitter, etc are going to personalize more features and settings that are in their social networks to make them special and unique. They are going to focus on security and privacy of their users. They might give the opportunity to people to choose what they want to put on their pages, even though, people have that now; we still have lots of things that these companies have imposed on us, such as advertisings, ads among others.
by Stephen J. Dubner. “Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum. Feb 15, 2008 <>
Having social networking in a corporation increases a trust environment between employees and management. Employees can stay connected to the company and each other. A social networking also Encourage collaboration thanks to continuous communication within the employees. Employees can work in an environment where their opinion is counted and that becomes as an incentive for them as well. In general, through social networking people can keep in touch with coworkers, friends, old friends and family. Besides establishing important social relations, social networking members can share their interest with others by joining groups and forums. Some networking can help members to finds jobs and or establish business contacts. Most social networking offer additional features, such as, member can create profiles pages where they can describe their personality. The most popular features are music, videos. Members can also get educate by looking profiles of famous people such writers, artist, singers among others. They can also bring out different opinions and debate with other members.
What are the benefits of these technologies to society?
The benefits of social networking are that people keep in touch, can speak up, and have communication through these technologies, especially when most people are busy going to school, work and taking care of their families. Thus, if it was not for these technologies having a social environment would be even more difficult. People can also share thoughts and views of different subjects and feel more close to family, friends and even coworkers.
Is there a "dark side"?
Yes, there is a dark side, even though; I see more positives than negatives. I think that a lot of people rely on these social networking to communicate negative things to other people, especially between teenagers. They can express some of their feeling without thinking that those comments can be hurtful to others. Other negative sides to these technologies is that people tend to lose interpersonal communication because of the amount of time communicating through a computer they lose face to face social contact skills. Before I finish, there is another dark sides of these social networking that I haven’t mentioned but it is very important, and that is, that some people use false identities, therefore, they take advantage of this to commit crimes specially towards innocents people in most cases teenagers, which also are using false identities to participate in these new technologies because of their ages.
My opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future
I cannot say much about how these technologies are going to evolve in the future because technology changes all the time. I think that all these technologies have a priority to keep people communicating. Thus, these companies such as facebook, my space, twitter, etc are going to personalize more features and settings that are in their social networks to make them special and unique. They are going to focus on security and privacy of their users. They might give the opportunity to people to choose what they want to put on their pages, even though, people have that now; we still have lots of things that these companies have imposed on us, such as advertisings, ads among others.
by Stephen J. Dubner. “Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum. Feb 15, 2008 <>
What kinds of technologies are part of the new media?
The new media technology referred to Web 2.0 is more interactive between users than it was before. Have a several communication technologies, such as blogs, wikis, online social networking (Facebook, my space, Hi5, twitter, Friendster, tagged, etc) virtual worlds, games and other social media forms. People are using these new technologies through, computers, cell phones, internet, television and even home phones.
How important is the Internet to the new media?
As an interactive new media, the internet is having a profound impact in people’s life. It is not the only medium to distribute information to its users, but also a vehicle to express public opinion or views. Besides internet have multiple uses while a person is online, such as entertainment (game, movies, videos, music, etc), information communication (People can get the latest news.) among others. Thus, internet is very important for the new media, because without it, people would not be able to use the new media technology.
Why and how are the new media replacing and / or enhancing the old media?
The new media and old media are working together to bring the best of each other. New media has used the concepts of old new media to enhance it. We have online news papers stead of having the print out, people can have the latest news, videos, movies, music online and they don’t have to wait until is printed and published to the public, which it could take days before a person can have a hard copy. With the new media people have the opportunity to make comments of different topics and publish them at anytime. New media has helped people in other areas. For example, thanks to the new media companies are considering more the opinion of its employees than they did before, people can have social relationships, social networks and none of these benefits are consuming time and sometimes not even money. For the most part, the new media comparing to the old media is done instantly. I think one of the most important elements for the new media which also was for the old media is the internet, and it has been improved to accomplish the demands of the new media. I have to say that without internet people would not have any access to old media in some ways and to the new media right now. Internet has improved in its price, its speed and its themes,
Friedman, Linda Weiser and Friedman, Hershey H. “The New Media Technologies: Overview and Research Framework” April 2008. Pages 9-24. Available at SSRN:<>
The new media technology referred to Web 2.0 is more interactive between users than it was before. Have a several communication technologies, such as blogs, wikis, online social networking (Facebook, my space, Hi5, twitter, Friendster, tagged, etc) virtual worlds, games and other social media forms. People are using these new technologies through, computers, cell phones, internet, television and even home phones.
How important is the Internet to the new media?
As an interactive new media, the internet is having a profound impact in people’s life. It is not the only medium to distribute information to its users, but also a vehicle to express public opinion or views. Besides internet have multiple uses while a person is online, such as entertainment (game, movies, videos, music, etc), information communication (People can get the latest news.) among others. Thus, internet is very important for the new media, because without it, people would not be able to use the new media technology.
Why and how are the new media replacing and / or enhancing the old media?
The new media and old media are working together to bring the best of each other. New media has used the concepts of old new media to enhance it. We have online news papers stead of having the print out, people can have the latest news, videos, movies, music online and they don’t have to wait until is printed and published to the public, which it could take days before a person can have a hard copy. With the new media people have the opportunity to make comments of different topics and publish them at anytime. New media has helped people in other areas. For example, thanks to the new media companies are considering more the opinion of its employees than they did before, people can have social relationships, social networks and none of these benefits are consuming time and sometimes not even money. For the most part, the new media comparing to the old media is done instantly. I think one of the most important elements for the new media which also was for the old media is the internet, and it has been improved to accomplish the demands of the new media. I have to say that without internet people would not have any access to old media in some ways and to the new media right now. Internet has improved in its price, its speed and its themes,
Friedman, Linda Weiser and Friedman, Hershey H. “The New Media Technologies: Overview and Research Framework” April 2008. Pages 9-24. Available at SSRN:<>
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Compare and contrast blogs and wikis.
Although Blogs and wikis are part of the Web 2.0 technology and are both great ways to communicate thoughts and ideas. They differ in a few things, in a blog people can be more opinionated than wikis, and wikis are more a collaboration of facts from more than one person. They tend to be more a discussion than a blog; a blog is more one person’s opinion with comments. A person can discuss their thoughts on many different topics (nobody can edit anything on this page). A wiki, however, is a website that allows its users to edit the content of the page. In other words, users collaborate with each other to make the page more reliable.
Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world
Coverage is becoming more apparent as time is passing by. For example, television is an important tool in today’s world, and TV is getting more involved with technology. TV is become easier and interactive for all of us than it ever was before. I think this is more positive than negative because everything is becoming more compact and effective (digital ) than it was years ago, thus, we can now connect several devices together, and that will save money and space in people’s home. In other words, everything involved with the new technology is getting convenient in our life, and the more we know the more we can take advantage of it. However, if companies don’t know of the importance of a network and a digital world they have to catch up quickly if they want to satisfy their speciations.
How can blogs be used for collaboration?
I must say blogs already are collaboration. They are used in different areas because of their interactive way. I can say that there is an increase of use of blogs in education. Blogs are well suited to serve as on-line personal journal for students. Students and teacher can upload links and files easily, and have a better communication between one another. They can create forums for discussion of different topics; therefore, blogs can improve student’s communication skills.
Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
I am not sure what else a wiki can be used for because I think we can do anything we want, since we have free access of our pages or wikis, and free way to express something. Although it can be changed or improve by others, we still have the freedom of our comments. We can use it as a good method of teaching step by step to a person on any subject with “How to Guides”. We can direct and instruct other people with things that we are knowledgeable on.
Although Blogs and wikis are part of the Web 2.0 technology and are both great ways to communicate thoughts and ideas. They differ in a few things, in a blog people can be more opinionated than wikis, and wikis are more a collaboration of facts from more than one person. They tend to be more a discussion than a blog; a blog is more one person’s opinion with comments. A person can discuss their thoughts on many different topics (nobody can edit anything on this page). A wiki, however, is a website that allows its users to edit the content of the page. In other words, users collaborate with each other to make the page more reliable.
Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world
Coverage is becoming more apparent as time is passing by. For example, television is an important tool in today’s world, and TV is getting more involved with technology. TV is become easier and interactive for all of us than it ever was before. I think this is more positive than negative because everything is becoming more compact and effective (digital ) than it was years ago, thus, we can now connect several devices together, and that will save money and space in people’s home. In other words, everything involved with the new technology is getting convenient in our life, and the more we know the more we can take advantage of it. However, if companies don’t know of the importance of a network and a digital world they have to catch up quickly if they want to satisfy their speciations.
How can blogs be used for collaboration?
I must say blogs already are collaboration. They are used in different areas because of their interactive way. I can say that there is an increase of use of blogs in education. Blogs are well suited to serve as on-line personal journal for students. Students and teacher can upload links and files easily, and have a better communication between one another. They can create forums for discussion of different topics; therefore, blogs can improve student’s communication skills.
Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
I am not sure what else a wiki can be used for because I think we can do anything we want, since we have free access of our pages or wikis, and free way to express something. Although it can be changed or improve by others, we still have the freedom of our comments. We can use it as a good method of teaching step by step to a person on any subject with “How to Guides”. We can direct and instruct other people with things that we are knowledgeable on.
Richtel Matt. “What Convergence? TV’s Hesitant March to the Net.” New York Times, 15 February 2009 <>
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Checking out some social networking sites
With New media, there are a several ways to keep in touch with family, old friends and new friends. However, the only way to do it is when people join a social network such as Facebook, My space, Friendster, Hi5 among others. In these social networks, people can keep track of one another. To me all of them are similar, because they are made for the same reason “to share information and to keep in touch”. Honestly, they don’t differ a lot from each other, except for a few things that I will describe according to my experience with some of them. They differ in the age of the users and their restriction to them, demographically (some people tend to use these social networks depending on which one is used in their countries), and the way people can apply setting to their pages. I think My Space is more involved with teenagers as well as Friendster and Hi5, and they don’t have restrictions in modifying pages. Therefore, a lot of people like that, especially teenagers, because they want to have their own look on their pages that they can be identified with. People can add music, color and themes to their profiles. On the contrary, facebook is more college level; many of the users are college students and professional people. Besides that, Facebook users are unable to change the appearance of their pages, they cannot add music to their profiles and they are more restricted when it comes to privacy. No one is allowed to see anybody’s profile unless they are accepted before by somebody else.
Even though, I have Facebook account, my experience is slightly limited, so I have avoided much direct comparison between it and other social networks. I also have hi5, and tagged but the only reason I have more than one is because sometimes people only have one social networking website. However, I am definitely more active with facebook than with the others.
Even though, I have Facebook account, my experience is slightly limited, so I have avoided much direct comparison between it and other social networks. I also have hi5, and tagged but the only reason I have more than one is because sometimes people only have one social networking website. However, I am definitely more active with facebook than with the others.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What is the New Media?
The new media now referred to web 2.0 is a set a communication technologies such as blogs wikis, social networking in which we have facebook, twitter, and my space among others, virtual world and some others social media forms. The most excited part of the New Media is how people can contribute to all of this. People can contribute by commenting on everything that they agree and disagrees with, by creating their own pages and post their own thoughts and ideas of different topics. And also, communicating with other people in a way that is a lot easier, faster and cheaper compared to the past. In other words, people are the most important part of the new media. However, we wouldn’t have this New Media if it was not for the internet, the internet is the other important part of the New Media, even though, internet is been out there for years already, but it has been improved to make it available for this new technologies. Internet is been improved in its speed, its appearance and its prices.
Monday, June 8, 2009
How Blogs and Wikis Can Affect Businesses Economically
Businesses are incorporating web 2.0 applications such as blogs in wikis which are playing a virtual role in savings cost and optimizing work processes. They do it by improving internal communication between employees, managers and costumers.
Business can mostly benefit from:
Posting status updates of their products or they can interact with costumer about the quality of their products in a blog. This could provide a business with the ability to rapidly improve their products and customer service. Therefore they are saving time and money. Posting past experience and personal information on a wiki. This information could, for example, help employees to accumulate a perfect area of play to win a new contract. Companies can also advertise new products through blogs and wikis and that also will help them to have a review of a new product that is not even out there, therefore, they are saving time and money. Because they will rapidly have new ideas from their own costumers, so they can apply those ideas to the new products before they bring them to the market. Companies enhance communication across multiple locations. This also enables companies to distribute information and encourage team work, fast.
Business can mostly benefit from:
Posting status updates of their products or they can interact with costumer about the quality of their products in a blog. This could provide a business with the ability to rapidly improve their products and customer service. Therefore they are saving time and money. Posting past experience and personal information on a wiki. This information could, for example, help employees to accumulate a perfect area of play to win a new contract. Companies can also advertise new products through blogs and wikis and that also will help them to have a review of a new product that is not even out there, therefore, they are saving time and money. Because they will rapidly have new ideas from their own costumers, so they can apply those ideas to the new products before they bring them to the market. Companies enhance communication across multiple locations. This also enables companies to distribute information and encourage team work, fast.
Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
In this article MadV is saying that technology is changing and we only need a medium that can introduce us to this changes, a medium that can introduce us to this new world of technology that is already out there, then people will respond accordingly. MadV uses an example of a video that he record on You Tube about himself that lasted 41 seconds and he saw how quickly people respond to it. He was very impressed. This article also remarks how we are changing the way we think of new videos, and how we can easily edit videos comparing to the way we used to see or use technology years ago. I think we are using all of this new technology to explore a world that was not there for us in the past. However, this new world in this area called New Media is changing our lives, because we have more ways to communicate our thoughts to the world whether is personal, professional or technical.
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